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Parker Jane is busy redesigning her website.  We'll be back in a few days so please hang in there and come back for the ParkerJane.com 2.0 launch.  New ParkerJane.com goodness is just around the corner!

A new video!!!!


Parker takes a bottle!  It's another first and it went smoothly.  See for yourself.

Grammy night with Parker Jane!  Red carpet highlights and musical interludes as only Parker can deliver.

Hearts and more...

Parker gets a sink bath and mom unloads her pictures from her phone.  It's simple Parker Jane fun for everyone.
Splish Splash & Phone Camera Nuggets
Best Yet
Up close face shots and mommy buys Parker her first pair of sunglasses.  Parker won't wear socks but of course she loves her new specs and so do our neighbors.  Click here for more.

Damn Thumb...Parker tries to unravel the mystery of her thumb.  Instinct and genetics tell her that it belongs in mouth but that damn thumb is just not cooperating.  Who needs cable when I have this?

Our New House Soda



Fresh: Walk SF

The latest and greatest:  First up Parker get her first shots and after a short fuss she walked it off and rocked on.  Next Parker hates socks and we finally catch her in the act of removing her hated toe covers.


A little sugar and spice from the portraits page.  I just love her emotional range, from "angel" to "don't mess with Texas".

Everyday brings more changes so check back often!  Parker Jane knows...

Check out our way cool X-Men baby carrier and body armor!


Season's Greeting from the Wheatley's, Parker's giving it up pirate style so Y'arr! and Happy Holidays!

Here are the first batch of pictures of little Parker Jane Wheatley.  She was born December 13, 2008 at 4:29 PM, she weighed in at 6 lbs. 13 oz. and she measured 21 inches.  Stacey is recovering from a long and very complicated delivery and surgery, she is expected to fully recover and both mom and baby should be home on Tuesday. 


more to come soon.....